Thursday, January 30, 2014

Challenges - Growths - Celebrations

My coworker Lori told me today that the older you get, the faster time flies by. It literally feels like yesterday that we were celebrating the start of a new year and making resolutions/goals. January for me was a month of challenges, growth and celebrations.

The challenge started when Branden posted a photo of someone planking on my wall and then asked if Matt and I wanted to participate. By planking, I do not mean the laying down game where you take pictures of yourself literally laying down in the most random places. This is the exercise type of planking where you lay on the floor and then hold yourself up on your toes and arms. When we said yes, it didn't seem like such a difficult task. And then we hit the mark where we had to plank for 180 seconds and the task seemed a lot more daunting then we expected. Who knew holding a plank position for 3 minutes or more could make more than your abs ache. While the idea of doing the challenge has become less appealing, I am still determined to complete the last few days. I'm all for a good fitness challenge.

2014 has been a year of growth for me. Being only 1 month in, I'm interested to see what the next 11 will bring. Now that I am out of college, married and in an administrative role at work, I sometimes find myself overwhelmed by all of my varying roles. I'm still getting my feet wet about how to be a wife, supervisor and teacher of children all in the same day. At the same time, I don't do well with conflict and have an overarching need to always want to solve problems. I am big on the phrase "never go to bed angry" and try to adapt this in every role of my life. One thing I am discovering is that this isn't always possible but I still try...and then I overanalyze everything I said or did. With the support of my husband and prayer, I am really trying to better this part of me. I am trying to teach myself that I don't always have to solve things, I oftentimes just need to keep my mouth shut and let problems work themselves out. I am a stubborn, loud and blunt person which makes bettering this flaw of myself extremely difficult. If it's something you do, please pray for me!

Grant is 1! This was our big celebration for the month of January as he was born on January 26, 2013. What a joy he is to be around. It is both fascinating and precious to watch him explore his surroundings and learn new things. He is going to do great things!

1 comment:

  1. Eep! Melissa! One of the coolest parts about you is that you are self-reflective. I think it is awesome that you are wanting to work on parts of yourself, but seriously, most folks say and do things and never give them a second thought. You are constantly thinking about how your words and actions effect other people and I think that is an admirable quality. Looking forward to your February update!!!
